Is there anything else quite like this? 007 fits Secret Cinema like an evil henchman’s glove. At Secret Cinema’s take on ‘Casino Royale’, we can all afford James Bond’s nonchalance. Shootout over, the young woman saunters over the bar to size up the cocktails. Hordes of us glammed-up punters are screamed at to take cover, while fake blood is shed. We’re somewhere masquerading as somewhere exotic, and sure enough, right by the bar two men are suddenly trying to kill each other. ‘Ooh, it’s a shootout,’ says a young woman in front of me, 50 percent curious, zero percent fearful of witnessing any actual murder. We sent ‘Juniper Blackthorn’ – AKA Alex Godfrey – to give his verdict. Secret Cinema is back with a new 007 extravaganza, ‘Casino Royale’.